Insurance Companies
نظرية الحصان الميت: هل تدفع شركات التأمين نحو الهامش؟
نظرية الحصان الميت (Dead Horse Theory) تُعد من أبرز الاستعارات التي تشرح ظاهرة شائعة في بيئات العمل، حيث تُصر المنظمات…
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المنظمة الدولية لمراقبي التأمين (International Association of Insurance Supervisors – IAIS)
MediaTameen المنظمة الدولية لمراقبي التأمين (International Association of Insurance Supervisors – IAIS) هي هيئة عالمية تجمع بين الهيئات التنظيمية والإشرافية…
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بعض أشهر وأفضل المكتتبين وشركات الاكتتاب على مستوى العالم
يقوم المكتتبون بدور حيوي في تقييم المخاطر وتحديد شروط تغطية التأمين. وعلى الرغم من أن الأفراد العاملين في الاكتتاب لا…
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Glossary of Common Insurance Terms
Here are some Common Terms used in General Insurance in Arabic and English languages....
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London market to play crucial role in insuring 2018 World Cup
iStock/ Extravagantni With high security risks and exposures in the hundreds of millions, the London insurance market will play a…
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15% insurance discount for safe drivers in Saudi Arabia
RIYADH: To minimize car accidents, insurance companies have been ordered to keep offering safe drivers a discount of up to…
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Saudi Insurance companies’ approval not necessary to treat emergency cases
The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance has confirmed that treating emergency cases no longer requires prior approval from insurance companies,…
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Insurer Lloyd’s of London slides into heavy loss
LONDON: The insurance market Lloyd’s of London on Wednesday announced a first annual loss in six years following a series…
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AXA agrees to buy XL
AXA says $15bn deal will propel it to number one in P&C commercial AXA said it has agreed to buy…
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