بعض أشهر وأفضل المكتتبين وشركات الاكتتاب على مستوى العالم
يقوم المكتتبون بدور حيوي في تقييم المخاطر وتحديد شروط تغطية التأمين. وعلى الرغم من أن الأفراد العاملين في الاكتتاب لا…
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London market to play crucial role in insuring 2018 World Cup
iStock/ Extravagantni With high security risks and exposures in the hundreds of millions, the London insurance market will play a…
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The Difference Between an Actuary and a Data Scientist
The Difference Between an Actuary and a Data Scientist The hot new thing, data science, isn’t so new after all.…
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Risks, Perils, and Hazards
Risk, peril, and hazard are terms used to indicate the possibility of loss, and are often used interchangeably, but the insurance industry…
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