claimsInsurance Companies

European storm loss estimate tops $1 billion

Insured losses from winter storm Eleanor, which struck numerous countries in Europe earlier this month, will likely be between €1.1 billion ($1.32 billion) and €1.6 billion, AIR Worldwide said Thursday.

Most of the losses will be in Germany — where the storm is known as Burglind — France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands, the Boston-based catastrophe modeler said in a statement.

The storm, which was the fifth named winter storm of the season and the fourth to make landfall since December, brought wind gusts of up to 100 mph to Ireland early last week before it passed across the United Kingdom into Continental Europe.

“Structural damage due to strong winds was reported in Ireland, the U.K., France and Germany, where roofs were damaged or blown off, scaffolding was stripped from buildings, and signage was destroyed. Trees were blown down across continental Europe and the U.K., and transportation disruption was rampant,” AIR said.

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